Every Believer has a problem. It is not new, for even the Apostle Paul expressed his dismay over his own sark struggle.
Song: His Way With Thee
Every Believer has a problem. It is not new, for even the Apostle Paul expressed his dismay over his own sark struggle.
Song: His Way With Thee
While the physical gait is one’s pattern of walking and is “highly inheritable”, one’s spiritual gait is another thing entirely.
This is no minor question that must be answered; do I believe what God has said or do I believe what a human being says that God said? The Apostle Paul and even the Lord Jesus had to answer this question.
A no-named man was given the opportunity to demonstrate that God means what He says. If you can’t be a good witness, you might just be a terrible example.
NOTE: The reference mentioned is incorrect it should be 1 Kings 13 not 1 Cor 13!
The Bible states unequivocally that all things serve God’s purpose. One of my favorite verses is Acts 13:36. “For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, …” Substitute your name for David’s name. Are you serving God unawares?