Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Forward This - VIGNETTE

Forward This
I get a lot of things forwarded to me that are heart stopping or that I rejoice in as I read them. I have learned you can't always trust what someone has sent me in email. Not everything that comes across a person's email is valid.  With God's Word from cover to cover, you can forward any part of it and know that it is true, as long as we let God speak for Himself.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Here Comes Santa Claus - CLASS

Here Comes Santa Claus
Kids love Christmas and why not?  But it's not 'Santa Claus' who knows if I've been bad or good. Please listen to this audio file with  your earphones or have the children go to the other room and may your Christmas be blessed because of  Christ who came.

What About Thanksgiving? - VIGNETTE

What About Thanksgiving?
As Thanksgiving Day approaches I am amazed at what I see and hear. It is quite concerning because Thanksgiving is being bypassed for Christmas. I haven't heard of many people speak of Thanksgiving unless they are talking about what they are going to eat, who is coming to Thanksgiving, and what they are going to buy afterward.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What's the Difference Between Giving Up and Letting Go? - CLASS

What's the Difference Between Giving Up and Letting Go?
Some of us have issues, something in our life that we must let go or give up. It can be real or it can be abstract losses. Where ever you are, we all have something in our lives ... what is the difference? That's what we're talking about today.

Why Me? The Woman With An Alabaster Jar - VIGNETTE

Why Me? The Woman With An Alabaster Jar
In Luke 7 we find that Jesus can heal and that He has the power over death. Later in the chapter we see His ministry to sinners, but near the end of this chapter we discover that the women with the alabaster jar is Jesus' greatest miracle of all.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Why Me? For Such A Time As This: Simon of Cyrene - VIGNETTE

Why Me? For Such A Time As This: Simon of Cyrene

In arrogant spite and hate, Jesus was mocked. Christ took all of that for you and for me. God sent Him because He loves us SO much. You can imagine how weak and tired our Lord was. Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry Jesus' cross. The cross is not popular, except in jewelry, but to speak of the Cross of Christ is not a popular subject. It screams that we are sinners in desperate need of a Savior.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why Me Ebed-Melech? For Such A Time As This - VIGNETTE

Why Me Ebed-Melech?  For Such A Time As This 
We in America have enjoyed blessings for a long time, and we have not been persecuted for our faith. But now we do see the beginnings of persecutions.  Some of us may someday die for our faith, so we should not be surprised as our world gets more and more ungodly. It is not popular to say there is only one way to God.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How Big Is God? His Story! - CLASS

How Big Is God? His Story!
We are going to look at the bookends of our lives.  We know that our belief system impacts, affects, and controls our lives.  God determines everything, the outcome of heaven and earth. He is everything.

At Death Do Animals Go To Heaven? - CLASS

At Death Do Animals Go To Heaven?
When children's pets die, some parents may tell their children that 'Fido' went to heaven.  Without question the Bible teaches animals will be in the Kingdom, but that's not heaven.  Lets look at some Bibleverses between animal flesh and human flesh.

Why Me? (Part 3) - VIGNETTE

Why Me? (Part 3)
We are going to be looking at The Samaritan Woman in John chapter 4.  Some women have made horrible decisions in their lives.   This woman came to learn she could never get enough of what you do not need. No matter how scarred your past is, it doesn't matter. God will not turn  you away.  There is no saint without a past.  There is no sinner without a future.

Why Me? (Parts 1 & 2) - CLASS

Why Me? (Parts 1 & 2)
We are going to be looking at the The Life Of Peter. Do you ever say "Why Me, Lord?" It is one thing to make a good start, it's another to make good progress. Peter made a good start. But there were things in his life, in his character, that needed to be cut out so he could make good progress. I like to think of my life as a book. We have a beginning when we are born, and an ending, when we die, but we do not end there.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Welcome To The Congregation But Watch Out For The Alligators! - VIGNETTE

Welcome To The Congregation But Watch Out For The Alligators! 
Do you know what a group of alligators is called? A congregation! I just thought that was so interesting. Winston Churchill once said, "Appeasement is like feeding an alligator hoping he will eat you last."

Do You Ever Feel Pathos For God - CLASS

Do You Ever Feel Pathos For God
I see when we look at Scripture what God did for His earthly people and they turned their back. He never ever failed them.God introduces and reintroduces Himself in the pages of Scripture, as to Who He is. What would it be like if you had a dear friend who said they loved you, but you had to introduce yourself every time you met?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Lord's Prayer - Potpourri

The Lord's Prayer
How do you think its best to teach children to pray?  Should they be taught to memorize prayers?  Or do you not interfere at all and let them pray their own prayers? I don't think it's either/or, but better to watch you because they see and hear everything you do.  What would be more powerful than the parents, especially dad, on his knees praying to God? 

The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth - Vignette

The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
Years ago people who went to court put their hand on the Bible and swore, "...to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God".  As time has progressed no all courts make people swear to God on God's Word. That's done away with.  Now in some courts they swear by their own self. Isn't that something?

Trust In The Rock Forever - Vignette

Trust In The Rock Forever
It would be interesting to see how many times "God the Rock" and "Christ is the Rock" is spoken of.  We are going to mostly focus on Isaiah 26:4.

Monday, September 23, 2013

What You Heard I Did Not Say: "The Art of Communication." - Vignette

What You Heard I Did Not Say:  "The Art of Communication." 
Learning how to rightly communicate is one of the most difficult things in our life. We have so many relationships and they can be so complicated. With whom do you have the most difficult, maybe painful, experience attempting to communicate?   When the discussion gets heated, what is your normal response?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Worship Service. Is It Really Worship Service? - Potpourri

What happened to hymn singing?  Hymn singing speaks of Him.  Good Hymn/Him music has great theology.  You may love what is called contemporary music, but I ask that you listen to my heart. We cannot live on feelings. We live on truth.  Contemporary music gives a big dose of adrenaline but it doesn’t last.

Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch - Potpourri

Don’t boast about tomorrow.  You don’t know what another day will bring.

Spiritually Malnourished and Saturated Fat Christians - Potpourri

America has had a long standing love affair with fat. It tastes good. We love the taste of fat.   But what about spiritual malnutrition?  The whole counsel of God is full of nutrition.  What if we only stay in one book of the Bible?  We are going to be malnourished.  

Stop Here For A Grin - Potpourri

The heart can get so heavy with everything going on in the news, these came across my desk and a merry heart is good medicine...

God Will Take Care Of You - Potpourri

Have you ever been depressed?  God comforts the depressed.  Sometimes God uses His Word to bring us comfort, sometimes God uses people.  God gives us comfort not to make us comfortable, but He gives us comfort so we can be comforters for He is the God of all comfort.