When taking a biblical selfie, it is not legitimate nor acceptable to use a “selfie stick” in order to see ourselves from a distance or from a different angle from that which God’s Word declares us to be.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
God Knows Where He Is Taking Us
Eph 3:13-21
The Apostle Paul wants us to understand something that is unexplainable, and he saw the big picture of how God is working in those things that come against us. If we close our Bibles, we will not understand!
Thursday, July 21, 2022
Crooked Minds and Trash Mouths
How foolish are the people whose wisdom lies in the skill to do evil! V. H. Doran wrote, “The tendency of a society is to stir up and strengthen the .....”
CLICK HERE TO LISTENTuesday, July 19, 2022
Let It Begin With Me
We can not do one thing about what goes on in another’s house. We are responsible for our own. “... As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” “I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart ...”
*I meant to reference Ps. 110 and not 115*
CLICK HERE TO LISTENThursday, July 14, 2022
“If God Wills ...I Will”
If the Apostle Paul said those words, I wonder why it is that most of us say, “I will” without one thought of God’s will?
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
[Part 1] The Love Of “Stuff” Comes With Dis-ease
It’s in the DNA of our OSN to want more and/or different than what we have. Decide in haste, repent in leisure!
[Part 2] The Love Of “Stuff” Comes With Dis-Ease
“For knowledge to become wisdom and for the soul to grow, the soul must be rooted in God.”
[Part 3] The Love Of “Stuff” Comes With Dis-Ease
“Our voluntary thoughts not only reveal what we are, they predict what we will become.”
Thursday, July 7, 2022
[Part 3] He Ain’t Scary He's My Brother
“We would be more grateful if we knew how much of what we take for granted was planned, ordained, and carried out to completion by God.”
[Part 2] Humbled But Blind As A Bat
“The fear of the LORD is instruction for wisdom, And before honor humility “Pro. 15:33 “For knowledge to become wisdom and for the soul to grow, the soul must be rooted in God”.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
[Part 1] Hey, Saul, Where Are You Going?
“The plans of the heart belong to man But...” “The mind of man plans his way But...” “Many plans are in man’s heart But..”