I received an email that read, "I was watching church service on TV and the Pastor was speaking on forgiveness. He said, 'maybe you need to forgive God', that’s wrong, isn’t it?"
Song: Holy Is Thy Name by Guardians
I received an email that read, "I was watching church service on TV and the Pastor was speaking on forgiveness. He said, 'maybe you need to forgive God', that’s wrong, isn’t it?"
Song: Holy Is Thy Name by Guardians
A catchy tune and these words from a commercial promoting some product got my attention. I know from Whom joy, comfort, and peace come and they are not something one can buy.
Please join us as we listen to Dr Mal Couch teach the incredible account of the birth of the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is truly the reason for the season.
CLICK HERE TO LISTENAlso known as Pavlovian or Respondent Conditioning is learning by association. Believers can very easily be conditioned to conform to the culture.
The thoughts of any person are known only to that person. While that’s true, it’s not the total truth....
A hedgehog has a soft, wooly inside and sharp quills on the outside. They don’t discriminate between actual or perceived danger, nor do they handle stress well. Does this sound like anyone you know?
This saying was popular in the 1920s at fairs. When I read Daniel 2-3, this phrase always pops into my mind. Nebuchadnezzar had fallen short of a successful outcome until...
Song: I Believe by Greater Vision
Is there anything that is impossible for God? Well, yes there is!
There are only two places we can store up treasures. One for earth and time or for heaven and eternity. Can not do both. It’s one or the other.
Song: Treasures In Heaven
There’s really no such thing as a Hezekiah syndrome, but I made up the name to describe the condition from which King Hezekiah suffered; a condition from which we all suffer.
Pigs are smart, but they can never acquire wisdom. So what is wisdom? Do you have it?
The answer is yes and no. Yes, spirituality, but no as to different individuals. For instance, God’s will for me, as an older woman, is different from His will for a younger woman with a husband and under-age children. God’s will is different for a Christian man than that of a Christian woman.
A fly was distracting me from Bible Study early one morning. I didn’t fret because justice was on its way. God surely does not fret about the evil that is rampant. He said “Vengeance is Mine...” Someday, He will make crooked matters straight!
Song: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
If you hold the Position as CEO in a major corporation, your Condition will be very different from an entry-level employee. However, this principle is of most importance when we look at one’s spiritual Position.
Many times we might be tempted to involve ourselves in others' strife. That would not be smart. But what if we’re invited into family quarrels. Then what?
Believers can do some things without grumbling and disputing but ......!
Have you ever felt you were living on a carrying medium, such as a belt conveyor system? Surely, Joseph might have felt like life was happening to him, leaving him no options.
How important is it to you that the Lord never changes? Scripture declares that God “will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind”.
Song: Forever Is Sure
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
Song: I’d Rather Have Jesus
We know that evil, and wickedness are mushrooming. “The kingdom of Satan is in the lower atmosphere where we human beings are, in order that that sinister being, filled with hatred of God and the human race, might prey upon humanity...”
The Scriptures view a person as a composite whole, fully relating to God and not divided in any way.
“God does not give us comfort to make us comfortable but to make us comforters."
CLICK HERE TO LISTENThe word rascally in Hebrew is literally “a witness of good- for-nothingness” and illustrates the lying witnesses’ lethal power. But God is the God of justice and will have the last and final word!
Do you ever think about being Someone’s possession? To answer biblically brings inner joy and peace.
Song: His Eye Is On The Sparrow
We live in uncertain times. We look for stability and find chaos. We look for everyday normal but find increased uncertainties.
Song: I Do Know by Greater Vision
We all can agree that God’s Grace is Free. But what if His Grace was fair? Who could be saved?
Song: Grace Ain't Fair
Job declared he would argue his ways with God. But his ways were never in question. So, what caused him to trip and stumble in the middle part?
Job knew without any doubt where he was going. He emphatically knew that someday he would see God!
Song: That Temporary Place
Job’s life was ripped apart. So, what held him together? The number one anchor is big stuff!
Maybe your family is like mine. August was a particularly trying time. And although we are in a new month, the trials are far from over.
We awake every morning and find more evil has been committed than the day before. If our focus is street-level, the result will be worry and fear. But God proclaims, “…The One who is in you is greater….”
How many of our present sufferings are due to the fact that we do not STAY PRESENT in the PRESENT? The worries of today are added to the years of tomorrow, which are added to the regrets of the past….
“Ours is not to see what lies dimly at a distance but to do what clearly lies at hand.”
“It is one of our highest privileges to discern something eternal behind the transitory objects of the present world and to be able to cling closely to this eternal reality.”
This song is a “spiritual expression that comes from the heart and then reaches the hearts of others.”
Song: Near To The Heart Of God
“Worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If left unchecked by Truth, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drawn.”
Is that statement biblically correct and why should it matter?
Song: Trust And Obey
There are lessons to be learned by observation. The lesson is driven home by the results of doing nothing.
Song: I’ve Been Washed Clean by Greater Vision
Can just anyone become special and unique ? Yes! (Not better than but different from).
Beginning in August, the Think Biblically vignettes will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Good question. The answer is Yes and No.
Some benefits of being enrolled in God’s Witness Protection includes a new identity (2Cor. 5:17), new citizenship (Phil. 3:20), new passport (Col. 1:13-14), and more!
Song: You’re Home To Stay by The Guardians
Parents, stay awake! Don’t let your guard down. Don’t be afraid. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your family!
Song: Oh Be Careful Little Eyes
Tune in for a look at the good King Hezekiah. He was not on a roof, but he might as well have been. The slide was painful but profitable.
Have you ever heard it said, “God gave us memories so we could have roses in December?” It’s a lovely thought. This is actually a poem. I had the privilege of sharing this poem and God’s word to a hurting and ‘guilty’ elderly woman. I hope you listen and pass it on!
Romans 8:28 is God’s wonderful promise. It does, however, have limitations which The Lord included for our instruction.
It is totally not fun to be around an angry person. The Jack In The Box type or a Gunny Sacker angry person causes Damage and harms relationships. There are no band-aids for the heart.
Most of us know God can say ‘no’. But we, like spoiled children, wish Him to say ‘yes’ at our first request! The Lord said ‘no’ to many of His servants, both past and present. What they learned was that His way was best. Fanny Crosby and Amy Carmichael came to love God’s ‘no’s.
Today we are thinking about how we comfort ourselves and others Biblically about death.
When someone is said to be an “old soul” it implies that the person is wise beyond their years. But does one’s soul grow old?
A half-baked cake is worthless. Gray hair is a sign of aging and becoming old and feeble. Hos. 7:8-9 and Rev. 3:16-17 describe a human condition that neither listener saw. They were looking in a false mirror...sounds like America to me!
The song ‘Beyond the Sunset’ was inspired by a simple sentence said by a blind man. “…I think I often see more [than sighted people]; I see beyond the sunset.” Yes, there is more to life than that which meets with physical sight.
What ingredients make best friends forever? True friendship is unique and distinct from all other social roles.
A group of believers have gathered to pray for their friend who has been arrested and is in mortal danger of being killed.
Stop the madness! Name it! Claim It! Quit It!
What a profound and personal privilege for believers in Christ and in God’s infallible Word to see God’s work after the storm has passed.
We can be drawn to a person because we like their personality only later to be repelled by their character.
CLICK HERE TO LISTENWe can be drawn to a person because we like their personality only later to be repelled by their character.
God does not tempt anyone to evil. But He does bring us trials for our good. An inner desire to evil aroused by something external, is from within ourselves.
Song: Peace Is On The Way
“Eternity and not time becomes the real gauge of our life’s work."
What a surprise! Precious’ experience reminded me of Gal. 6:1 “... if anyone is caught in any trespass....”.
How many believers in the Lord Jesus can’t kick the habit of carrying a boat load of guilt, blame, and shame for past sins?
Song: Another Life To Give
Scripture declares that Satan is a created being. He can do no more than God allows him to do. While he cannot grasp us, he can trip us up.
Written by Don Wildmon, this short story is just too good to keep to myself. Enjoy!
As I study God’s Word every day, I read about saints doing dumb things. In our daily lives we too can forget God’s active involvement in our lives and become a Duh-Huh!
Chosen In The Past * Called In Time
John The Baptist
John was a courageous Prophet of the Lord. In fact, he lost his head for declaring the truth!
John was definitely called by God, but when was he chosen?
Introduction to Chosen In The Past - Called In Time CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
It is laughable, ridiculous, and ludicrous for humans to think they can prevent the glorious Sovereign God and Savior from fulfilling His Word!
How many people in the Bible can you think of that were called for a specific purpose but promptly gave excuses why The Lord had made a mistake? Do you share one of these reasons not to serve?
I was a marriage counselor for many years. Two lonely people living under one roof. This is a dangerous time because lovelessness and loneliness always finds its echo.
Song: State Of The Union
Disappointed? Sad? Is your heart breaking? We must not make earth’s enjoyments or its sorrows the last word.
You will be spiritually challenged listening to these newly discovered messages from Dr. Couch. Originally recorded in December 2003 and January 2004.
CLICK HERE and scroll down to Colossians to find more recordingsWe don’t know her name, only her character. But unbeknown to her a Divine Appointment awaited her that very day!
Song: Something Good Is Going To Happen To You
As long as there is not emotional distance that separates, there is an answer to the question.
CLICK HERE TO LISTENThe Lord had placed four young men in Babylon. He had given them abilities and opportunities to serve Him in a pagan country right under the nose of the pagan King. What would they do? Assimilate? Adapt and adjust to pagan life?
Sometimes, there is suffering in our lives that is painful and permanent. Like Paul, we could call it a ‘thorn’. God often gives gifts that don’t feel good. Yet rightly evaluated (biblically) “is producing for us an eternal weight of glory….”
Are your knickers in a knot because you don’t like what you’ve got? A menagerie of emotions simmer below the surface as a result of wearing knotted attitudinal knickers.
Funerals often become a place for a family reunion. Funerals bring out the best and worst in people. The Lord has something to say about a funeral. We need to listen up!
Do you know someone that seems always to be in trouble or has one crisis after another? They live a cul-de-sac existence.
His burning desire to get a glimpse of Jesus eclipsed any thought of how foolish he might appear to the crowd.
Song: Zacchaeus Was A Wee Little Man
It seems even the Lord’s greatest servants had times in which they felt God was distant.
Song: He’s Never Moved - The Whisnants
“ ... the believer’s chief danger lies in victory. After having gained it in real dependence on God, the soul,....”
“And being in agony He was praying very fervently; and His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.” Luke 22:44
Song: One Day
My little Great Grandson was attempting to push me off the piano bench. He said, “Out! Out!” I thought about how it is like America telling The Eternal God, “Out! Out!”
Song: How Big Is GodA Grackle learned the hard way about hubris. We can learn from his experience!
“In a mysterious way, God’s providence works together with the natural stubbornness and blindness of men. The time was not right for these followers to fully get it!”
Song 1: Saved By The Same Grace
Song 2: Let The Blood Of Calvary Speak For Me
What an embarrassing character trait to always be speaking one’s mind only later to find the foot in the mouth!
* I misquoted the Scripture from Mk14:38 which says, “... the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
The Word of God declares that Christ was exalted to God’s right hand to represent us in the heavenly courtroom.
Song: For All He’s DoneThe verdict, (Guilty!)and the sentence (Death) were pronounced thousands of years ago but continues to this day. The situation is not hopeless. Because of His love for humanity, God provided a way out! That’s Good News!
Song: The Blood Hasn’t Ever Changed By: Greater Vision
General revelation is universal in scope. The universes as a whole serves the Creator’s purpose as a means to reveal Himself to humanity.
Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived, but when he stopped applying his own advice, he failed miserably. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked....”
What Does This Day Mean To You? - Dr. Mal Couch
Song: Rise Again
Pilot thought himself in charge, but was he really? We see street level actual happenings, but in reality the Sovereign God’s decrees were being carried out in minute detail.
Song: Ten Thousand Angels - by Soundtracks Christian World, Inc
Are you in an emotional/ spiritual pit and can’t see above the storm clouds?
Song: Higher Ground
Emotions are wonderful servants but terrible masters. If for just a minute you forget what you are all about.....
How sad this verse is to me. Sight walkers cannot please God, resulting in unbelief and disobedience.
Growing old is not fun, but we will experience it if our Lord does not return in our lifetime. Some call old age ‘The Golden Years’. Everyone I know says there is nothing golden about it! What does God’s Word say about this Season of Life?
Song: This Ole House
May we learn to discern the difference between gratefulness and complaining and need and greed.
Do you grow tired, as I do, of people blaming family members, society, or their environment for the circumstances of their lives?
I listened to a Mother whose heart was broken as a result of her adult child making sinful decisions which....
The guard is never changed. It’s on duty 24 hours a day, year in year out, until we arrive in heaven and will live forever in our Father’s House.
Ingesting plastic is harmful to the human body. But ingesting plastic words are harmful to body, soul, and spirit.
Two very ugly character traits are procrastination and passive aggressive behavior. Both are spiritual issues.
CLICK HERE TO LISTENPart 1 - It’s Not About The Wood
The Pastor’s text was Ex4:2 and 14:16 The title of his message was, “What’s In Your Hand?”
Part 2 - “Who Touched My Garments?”
“..His disciples said to Him, “You see the crowd pressing in on You and you say, “Who touched Me?”
“While traveling here below, the believer does more than check off meaningless days. He progressively creates a record for eternity.”
Have you found yourself in a situation where there are so many irons in the fire and so many plates spinning that you can’t think?
Have you ever felt you were living on a carrying medium, such as a belt conveyor system? Surely, Joseph might have felt like life was happening to him, leaving him no options.
Here is a sure resting place for our hearts. What assurance and comfort are ours! We can confidently say “My times are in your hand.”
“There is none righteous, not even one; ...” Rom 3:10 “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteous of God in Him.” 2Cor. 5:21
It seems that the child of God often finds himself in difficult circumstances. Paul learned the secret of being “soul sufficient” and independent of circumstances. He shared his secret with us.
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN“Tomorrow will be like today, only more so." I’m in charge and in control. It’s my life. But there came a time when he had no tomorrow and found himself in Hades.
“God buries His workmen but continues His work”.
As a believer in Christ, there are two levels of fellowship, our Position and our Experience.
“..Our hope will not be put to shame, ... Then Christ shall cry down death and grief and cry up glory evermore!” -Samuel Rutherford
SONG: When We See Christ (It Will Be Worth It All)It is easier to trust when one can see the provisions and person providing for them. But the time comes when each must stand on their own faith.
Many years ago I read the story of an orphanage that would have to close its doors because there was no money. But God answered prayer in a remarkable and surprising way. God will care for His own. He is faithful.
Song: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
“It is a merciful Providence which hides the future from our view and calls us to take one step at a time and to learn spiritual meanings and significance of each event in the retrospect of experience.”
Paternity is extremely important to a child. So many do not know to whom they belong. The more serious question is the issue of spiritual paternity. (2 parts)
Who knows us better than we know ourselves? Who has access to the inner recess of our souls? Who knows our thoughts, even when we are silent? Who hears our silent prayers?
If you are truly a born again believer in Christ, you are under contract. Read the contract carefully and you’ll find, among other promises and provisions, a no separation clause.
CLICK HERE TO LISTEN“God will not suffer the hands of His great clock to be pointed by kings and princes and lords of the earth: He will Himself point them: nor may we take upon ourselves to inform Him what hour has struck: 'tis He who will tell us.”
I think we are sometimes like Hagar and become so overwhelmed by our fears, that we forget about “the God who sees me”.
So much has happened lately that we can have a case of tunnel vision and have an emotional, spiritual tsunami brewing inside our souls.
Song: I Will Take Care Of You
Lot serves as an example of the believer who walks his own way and finds that he is more comfortable living with his former way of life. Lot was a sight walker.
Rebellion is a refusal to carry out one’s responsibility. Rebellion against God is a serious sin. The rebellion pattern is seen throughout Scripture and in our lives.
“Anxiety is the poison of life, the parent of many sins and of more miseries. Why allow it, when we know that all the future is guided by our Father’s hand?”
Tertullian wrote, “This is the first thing which we believe that there is nothing beside God’s Word to be believed“.
“Yea, once Immanuel’s orphaned cry His universe shaken. It went up single, echoless,”My God, I am forsaken!”
Last year on Dec. 21st, most everyone was looking up into the sky, seeing the same stars but drawing different conclusions.
“Today is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day… what I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it....”