Sometimes believers become complacent, settling for a ‘good enough’. Dr. Unger stated that “the good is the enemy of the best that God has for us.” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Slow Learners Or Easy ‘Forgeters’?
Do you know anyone that seems to have money issues constantly, or someone who is drowning in credit card debt? Perhaps you know someone who is in a time crunch crisis continually. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Preview of Things to Come – 4 Day Man
It was no problem for our Lord Jesus to raise the dead. As my husband would say “Small Potatoes”!
Monday, August 28, 2017
Lessons At Dawn’s Light … Crazy Ol Cousin!
I observed a skunk searching for food. The closer he got to the back porch, our kitty became as still as a mouse. Sometimes we have a family member who is caustic and argumentative. We learn not to tangle with him … too painful. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Friday, August 25, 2017
After I Am Gone
There is usually one family member that acts like glue, holding the family together. But after they are gone, the family scatters. This happens in ministry as well. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Thursday, August 24, 2017
God sends a time of forced rest, disappointed plans, sickness, or frustrated efforts, etc., but not without design. What are we to do? “To Rest Under Servant-hood Training” – my acronym for TRUST. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Ripple Effects
A good sub-title would be, “If you can’t be a good witness, you might become a horrible example!
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
God Is Not A Revisionist nor An Airbrush Artist
What IF God DID re-write the history of every person found in Scripture? What IF God airbrushed all the sin scars, freckles, and warts away? What IF God had a Glamor Shot Gallery? Could we find comfort? Encouragement? Hope? CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Monday, August 21, 2017
The Touch Of The Master’s Hand
A very elderly, sweet woman couldn’t tell me her name but when asked her to recite Psalm 23 - her recall was perfect! What made her words so powerful was this …. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Friday, August 18, 2017
This Offer Expires
I gave the cashier the coupons. One she handed back and said, “I’m sorry, that one has expired.” The coupon expiring is but a minor issue. But speaking of Eternal Destinies, will God’s offer of salvation ever expire? Will He ALWAYS say, “I forgive”? CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Lessons Before The Dawn
I observed a night moth under the porch trying to get out himself free by flying higher. Pride is like that and God hates pride. The moth had only to lower his altitude to solve the problem. The answer is the same for us. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
When putting up an outside door, are the hinges inside the house or on the outside? Inside, of course. Hinges on the outside can be easily removed we would become unhinged. Never a good idea. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Flags Are On The Field, Stop The Game!
Have you ever said, “I saw the red flags but I thought …” or “The red flags were there but I didn’t see them THEN. I do now.” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Monday, August 14, 2017
Can’t * Never Could * Never Will
There are zillions of things we humans can’t do and when it comes to spiritual things mega limits are there too. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Friday, August 11, 2017
News Flash! Queen Mother Deposed!
The Queen Mother had abused her power. She was participating, encouraging, and supporting evil. Her grandson, with great courage, deposed her. Fidelity to the Lord superseded family ties!
Thursday, August 10, 2017
“Dripping Eves”
I am quite sure that none of you are ‘dripping Eves’, you know, “contentious”. But you probably know someone who is. Will you please send them a link? CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Diagram This – Genealogy and Birth Order
Genealogy is a big money-making business. People want to know where they came from. When it’s all said and done, does it really matter? It sure didn’t in Moses and Aaron’s life, calling, and service. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Cultural Homogeny
I am always amused by people who pride themselves on being different. “Whoever controls the language, controls the culture.” Most people have been ‘culturally homogenized”. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Monday, August 7, 2017
“You’d Be So Nice To Come Home To”
The most intimate of all human relationships is marriage between a man and a woman. There are opportunities galore within this relationship to either bless or to cause pain. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Friday, August 4, 2017
Is Romans 8:28 A “Stand Alone” Verse?
We have all quoted the wonderful promise many times. But is it a ‘stand alone’ verse? Is this verse applicable for everyone? CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Upsetting The Apple Cart
This phrase means “to cause trouble, especially by spoiling carefully laid out plans.” Most folk don’t like change, particularly those in authority, but Jesus sure did. WWJD, indeed! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Self-Inflated Narcissism
Narcissism is excessive interest in oneself and physical appearance, extreme selfishness, self- centeredness, etc. Sounds like 2 Tim. 3. “Self-Inflated Narcissism” is my acronym for SIN. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Ever Had To Force Yourself To Sin....
Or do we simply do what comes naturally? We are looking at two humorous but tragic biblical accounts of creative ways to avoid responsibility. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN
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