Wednesday, June 25, 2014

God Does Not Take Vacations - VIGNETTE

God Does Not Take Vacations
The Lord God continually knows everything there is to know. He never forgets and never has to remember and never has to be informed. He totally and completely knows you and where He is taking His child.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A Divine Blank Check ...What Would YOU Ask For? - VIGNETTE

A Divine Blank Check ...What Would YOU Ask For?
If you ask yourself this question, rightly and honestly, you are sure to learn bunches about the core of your soul. This question will shake us up a bit but we need to know ourselves as God does!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Women of the Book: The Queen of Sheba - VIGNETTE

Women of the Book: The Queen of Sheba
Just think … this Queen rode on camelback 1,200-1,500 miles to question King Solomon. That is a lot of effort expended. I’m quite sure I couldn’t make the trip!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Are You Being Sifted? - CLASS

Are You Being Sifted?
It’s sure not fun being in the sifter! Peter and Job found it to be very painful. But guess what? When the Sifter stopped shaking, they were more useable to the Lord!

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Holy Spirit Gives Gifts But Does He Make Mistakes? - CLASS

The Holy Spirit Gives Gifts But Does He Make Mistakes?
Whew! Long title which explains this vignette! Seriously, what do you think about this question? Can believers make the mistake in determining their gift? Maybe others have ‘pegged’ them in the wrong place!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Incredible Worth of a Woman, Part 1 - CLASS

The Incredible Worth of a Woman, Part 1
This is NOT for children – Adult content!
At what point does a woman become valuable? Do we have a body like Eve’s body? What does God say about our value? Do you ever get stuck in the mindset that as you grow older you are still ‘supposed’ to look as once you did when you were young? Is this true or is this the culture ‘speaking’?

Famous Last Words - CLASS

Famous Last Words
Have you ever wondered why we are often so attentive to a dying person’s last words? We hope to hear what that person holds most important, I think. Do you know the most significant last words ever spoken? Do you know by whom and under what condition the words were expressed?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Flower Pots Cannot Grow Pecan Trees - CLASS

Flower Pots Cannot Grow Pecan Trees
A mind filled with shallow ‘Sermonettes for Christianettes’ leaves the mind inadequate to contain deep spiritual truths. ‘Dumbing Down’ leaves the believer ineffective and unproductive. There’s hope! Get out of your ‘Flower Pot’ into the wide open spaces of God’s Word, becoming a “Pecan Tree” with a deep tap root!

Can God Say No? - CLASS

Can God Say No?
Most of us know God can say ‘no’. But we, like spoiled children, wish Him to say ‘yes’ at our first request! The Lord said ‘no’ to many of His servants, both past and present. What they learned was His way was best. Fanny Crosby and Amy Carmichael came to love God’s ‘no’s.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

How The Worm Can Turn! - VIGNETTE

How The Worm Can Turn! (21 Minutes 33 Seconds)
Undying friendship sounds wonderful. But what happens when one’s friend has become an enemy? Oh … the worm has turned! There are many examples from Scripture – we are not the first and will not be the last!

The Devastation of Rape and/or Incest - CLASS

The Devastation of Rape and/or Incest 
You know from the title that this is NOT for children to hear. Protect your little ones, please! I’ve sat in counseling with many women who have endured this torture. A lovely woman from Scripture had this happen to her too.