Monday, July 31, 2017

What Happened In Rome Did Not Stay In Rome

Paul’s life reads like an exciting mystery novel.  But his is no story – the man lived it! The Lord told Paul, “…you must witness at Rome…”  How on earth will he get there?  Talk about the Sovereignty of God!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Friday, July 28, 2017

Believe It Or Not

Volumes have been written attempting to explain the Sovereignty of God. But in the end, we all arrive at the same place. We stand amazed and say only, “My God How Great Thou Art”!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Recommended Book:  The Sovereignty of God

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Accident Or Sovereignty?

“Scripture affirms both Divine Sovereignty and man’s willing activity. The relationship between these two concepts is mysterious but not contradictory.”  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Recommended Book:  The Sovereignty of God

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Gold Fish In A Pond * How Free Are They?

The subject is the absolute sovereignty of God. The study of and belief in God’s sovereignty was once common fare but few today believe that God is in charge and in control. Humanism has infected even the church!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Recommended Book:  The Sovereignty of God

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Opportunity * Motive * Means

Isn’t it interesting that after a spiritual victory, we are presented with a test?  Trails and testing are not the exception but the rule!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sometimes We Have To Learn To Live Without Them Before We Learn To Live With Them

Before we learn to live with them:  “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”  -- Jim Elliot  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Friday, July 21, 2017

You-Hoo, Remember Me?

Have you ever made plans and did not talk to the Lord about them? Nathan, the prophet, sure did! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Be "Cool" God's Way

Every generation has popular filler words.  Remember “swell”?  “Groovy”?  “Cool”?  “Cool has had a revival and even oldsters use the word. But if you want to be COOL God’s way, you must do this! CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Slight Things

What are you facing right now? Is the mountain too high? The pit too deep?  The cave too dark?  Then this vignette is for you!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

God Answered Prayer - He Sent A Rottweiler!

Believers in Christ are a privileged group.  We can talk to the Lord anytime and in any place. We can ask anything from Him, knowing He hears us. He WILL answer our prayer, but He WILL do it His way!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Monday, July 17, 2017


It’s a crime to misappropriate funds.  How much more a crime in heaven to misappropriate these three “Ts”.  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Friday, July 14, 2017

Cling Free

Don’t you just hate having static electricity in your hair or on your clothing? Seems that an imbalance of electric charges causes this Using this as an analogy in the spiritual realm, what a vast difference between “power” sources.  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Sweat Equity

The value someone adds by sweat and labor results in measurable increase of value, whatever the project.  Marriage – the best ones – have had toil, labor, and sweat invested. What is the difference between Proximity and Intimacy? Sweat Equity!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Inquiring Minds And Prying Eyes

There are many who seek to gain entrance into the things of God which He has concealed.  “We must cultivate a trust in His Divine Character rather than attempt to comprehend Divine Procedures”.  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

“Dripping Eves”

I am quite sure that none of you are ‘dripping Eves’, you know, “contentious”.  But you probably know someone who is. Will you please send them a link?  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Dirt Dweller’s Standard of Values

As you have aged, have you matured in how you evaluate what is REALLY important? What do you consider essential today in contrast to when you were younger?  Whose standard of value do you use to measure life? CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Monday, July 10, 2017

“I Am Not A Crook”

We don’t like to think of ourselves as a crook.  I think after the dust settles, we will find to our regret we are indeed crooks!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Friday, July 7, 2017

“Evening Prayer”

In the 1950’s Jim Reeves recorded this beautiful song.  Paul tells us to examine ourselves and to judge ourselves rightly…. When you lay your head on the pillow and your burdens by the door, this is the perfect time to make things right with God.  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Some People Meet Their god In a Shack …Not Us!

Isn’t it interesting that the masses will believe anything but the TRUTH of Scripture? The soul of man craves anything and everything but the Living and True God.  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Here is a direct link to the article by Dr. Gary Dromi that is referenced in this vignette:

God Does Not Reside In "The Shack"

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

An Animal Saved My Life

The Bible teaches that all things (all created things, including people and animals) serve God’s purpose. The purpose is in the mind of God, not ours.  He is unlimited in power, presence, and knowledge.  He is God!  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


In the communication process, several mental events occur. A word, phrase, or sentence logically precedes another.  (1) you hear WHAT is said (2) you hear what you THINK was said (3) …. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN

Monday, July 3, 2017

Thread The Scripture Needle: A Completed Life

Whether long or short, does each person live a completed life? Who has power over life and death? What do you believe? Does life end at death?  Are you willing to stake your life on it?  CLICK HERE TO LISTEN