Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Lord's Prayer - Potpourri

The Lord's Prayer
How do you think its best to teach children to pray?  Should they be taught to memorize prayers?  Or do you not interfere at all and let them pray their own prayers? I don't think it's either/or, but better to watch you because they see and hear everything you do.  What would be more powerful than the parents, especially dad, on his knees praying to God? 

The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth - Vignette

The Truth, The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
Years ago people who went to court put their hand on the Bible and swore, "...to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God".  As time has progressed no all courts make people swear to God on God's Word. That's done away with.  Now in some courts they swear by their own self. Isn't that something?

Trust In The Rock Forever - Vignette

Trust In The Rock Forever
It would be interesting to see how many times "God the Rock" and "Christ is the Rock" is spoken of.  We are going to mostly focus on Isaiah 26:4.

Monday, September 23, 2013

What You Heard I Did Not Say: "The Art of Communication." - Vignette

What You Heard I Did Not Say:  "The Art of Communication." 
Learning how to rightly communicate is one of the most difficult things in our life. We have so many relationships and they can be so complicated. With whom do you have the most difficult, maybe painful, experience attempting to communicate?   When the discussion gets heated, what is your normal response?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Worship Service. Is It Really Worship Service? - Potpourri

What happened to hymn singing?  Hymn singing speaks of Him.  Good Hymn/Him music has great theology.  You may love what is called contemporary music, but I ask that you listen to my heart. We cannot live on feelings. We live on truth.  Contemporary music gives a big dose of adrenaline but it doesn’t last.

Don’t Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch - Potpourri

Don’t boast about tomorrow.  You don’t know what another day will bring.

Spiritually Malnourished and Saturated Fat Christians - Potpourri

America has had a long standing love affair with fat. It tastes good. We love the taste of fat.   But what about spiritual malnutrition?  The whole counsel of God is full of nutrition.  What if we only stay in one book of the Bible?  We are going to be malnourished.  

Stop Here For A Grin - Potpourri

The heart can get so heavy with everything going on in the news, these came across my desk and a merry heart is good medicine...

God Will Take Care Of You - Potpourri

Have you ever been depressed?  God comforts the depressed.  Sometimes God uses His Word to bring us comfort, sometimes God uses people.  God gives us comfort not to make us comfortable, but He gives us comfort so we can be comforters for He is the God of all comfort.  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Prayers Of An Aging Woman- Potpourri

Prayers Of An Aging Woman
A lovely anonymous prayer from perhaps the 1700s.

Prayers To The God Who Hears- Vignette

Prayers To The God Who Hears
What prompts you to pray? For most of us it is a need. What is your purpose? What is your goal? If you answer those questions about yourself you will find out something about yourself, something deep inside.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sex Sells and Sin Pays - CLASS

CLASS: Sex Sells and Sin Pays (1 Hour 0 Minutes 5 Seconds)
What is legal is not always moral. And just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean that you are right in doing it.

Friday, September 6, 2013

They Are Shadows After All -CLASS

They Are Shadows After All (36 Minutes 46 Seconds)
Many things we are afraid of are just shadows. A shadow is not real. It is something that blocks light rays. Do you have anxieties? Are they real? Yes. When we worry that this could happen or that might happen those are shadows. What do you and I have to do to get real peace? We have to know who is is charge.

Got Weeds? Pull 'Em Wet - CLASS

 Got Weeds? Pull 'Em Wet (30 Minutes 58 Seconds)
After it rains, well, that's the best time to pull weeds. So it is in our spiritual life. None are perfect except for our Lord Jesus. when our heart's soil is wet with grief and tears we go to the Scriptures because the Scriptures are a mirror to our souls.